Lesson 24

[Sprint Four] - View Survey

Adding the ability for the admin to view surveys


Lesson Outline

Feat: Results of the users questionnaire to be visible

Now we just need to finish off this feature by adding the ability for the admin to view the results. This will be the last user story that we work on for this module!

User story: As a massage therapist, I want the results of the users questionnaire to be visible to me, so that I have the information required for the massage and so that I can get them to verify the information in person

Project management

Remember to move the card for this task to the Test column, and create a new task branch to work on.

We have our survey/history forms being stored in the client document, but now we need a way for the massage therapist to actually view those. This is going to be a little different than the ability to view the feedback form because there could potentially be multiple survey submissions associated with each client. The basic idea of what we would want is for the admin to be able to view a particular client, then from within that client select to view the survey responses, then show a list of all of the responses that have been submitted for that client, and then provide the ability to view the responses for one specific submission.

This would likely need to be extended in the future as well such that the massage therapist could edit these responses or have the client fill them out through the admin interface on site, but for now we are just going to focus on the data display aspect of it.

Once again, we will start with our E2E test in the client-detail.cy.ts file:

  it('can view responses to the client history form for individual clients', () => {
    cy.callFirestore('set', 'clients/abc123', testClient);


    getRenderJsonValue().should('have.value', 'someValue');

We will also need to update the test client in this file to include the survey field:

  const testClient = {
    name: {
      first: 'Josh',
      last: 'Morony',
    phone: '333',
    email: '[email protected]',
    notes: '',
    survey: ['{"someProperty": "someValue"}'],

and we will also need to define the following new utility methods:

export const getViewSurveyResponsesButton = () =>
export const getSurveyResponseList = () => cy.get('[data-test="survey-list"]');
export const getViewSurveyResponsesBackButton = () =>
export const getViewSurveyResponseDetailBackButton = () =>

Now let's check that it fails:

Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: [data-test="view-survey-responses-button"], but never found it.

It can't find the survey button so it fails. We are going to add that, but we are also going to add the two additional pages we require for this feature: the client-survey page and the client-survey-detail page:

ionic g page clients/feature/ClientSurvey --module clients/feature/client-detail/client-detail-routing.module --route-path="history" 
ionic g page clients/feature/ClientSurveyDetail --module clients/feature/client-survey/client-survey-routing.module --route-path=":index"

For the client-survey page we want to be able to view the responses for a specific client, and for the client-survey-detail page we want to be able to retrieve a specific index from the survey array for a specific client - so we need both the :id (for the client) and :index (for the survey response array) values which we can get through the route. You might notice that the route we have created for our client-survey page:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: ClientSurveyPage
    path: ':index',
    loadChildren: () => import('../client-survey-detail/client-survey-detail.module').then( m => m.ClientSurveyDetailPageModule)

Only includes the :index param, but we will be able to get the :id from the parent route. The full path to a survey response will look like this:


Now we can add that button into the client-detail page:


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