Lesson 9

Starting the Application

Getting the Ionic application started


Lesson Outline

Starting the Application

We've covered a lot of theory and database stuff, but we're finally ready to build some stuff with Ionic! In this lesson we will be generating our Ionic application, generating the initial pages and providers that we will need, and setting up all the required dependencies.

Generate the Application

To start off with, we will need to generate a new Ionic application by running the following command:

ionic start hangz blank --type=angular

As you will have seen already, we are creating a tabs layout for this application. However, I generally prefer to just always start from a blank template and add things in myself (rather than having to remove or rename things I don't want).

Although you can use Cordova if you prefer, we will be using Capacitor in this application. To set up Capacitor, just respond with y when asked if you would like to integrate Capacitor.

We will use Capacitor in this application, so if you also want to follow along and use Capacitor you should make sure to install the Ionic specific Capacitor plugins:

npm install @capacitor/app @capacitor/haptics @capacitor/keyboard

We will also be making use of the splash screen and status bar plugins:

npm install @capacitor/splash-screen @capacitor/status-bar

IMPORTANT: This module uses Capacitor 3. If version 3.x of Capacitor is not already the default, you should install the latest version of Capacitor with the following command:

npm install @capacitor/cli@next @capacitor/core@next



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