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Using the CreateAnimation Wrapper Component in an Ionic/React Application

3 min read

In this tutorial, we will be covering how to use the CreateAnimation wrapper component and the standard createAnimation method to create animations in an Ionic and React application

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High Performance Animated Accordion List in Ionic

9 min read

In this tutorial, we will be building a high performance accordion list in an Ionic application that is animated without using height to increase performance

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Create your Own Drag-and-Drop Functionality Using Ionic Gestures

6 min read

In this tutorial, we use Ionic Gestures to create our own custom drag and drop functionality without any external libraries

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Using the FLIP Concept for High Performance Animations in Ionic

8 min read

In this tutorial, we use the FLIP concept and the Ionic Animations API to create a high performance add to cart animation

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Creating a Staggered Animation for an Ionic Infinite List (without SASS)

5 min read

Use CSS variables to create a staggered animation for an Ionic list with dynamic infinite content

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Creating a Gmail Style Swipe to Archive with the Ionic Animations API

8 min read

Use Ionic Gestures and the Ionic Animations API to create a Gmail style swipe-to-archive feature.